
Sunday School Thanksgiving Dinner | Nov 20, 2022

The annual Sunday School and Thanksgiving dinner was a success and incredibly fun for everyone involved. There were several groups separated by age. The Toddler Class joined the Super Class to experience the rotating station style that was designed for the Thanksgiving holiday. A few Sunday school teachers were assigned per group and we rotated stations. The stations were object lesson, skit, game, and an incredible dinner. By taking turns we were all able to participate and learn about gratitude from each station. 

The object lesson was taught by Brother Bob Lee. On a sketch pad he drew people that had things to be thankful for then because they were not grateful, they lost them. He taught the kids that we need to be sincerely thankful.

The skit was led by Sister Breanna Hinckley and Sister Sarah Tirado. In a modern twist, they used the story of Job to teach the kids to praise God and find something to be grateful for even when life isn’t perfect. 

Sister Kim Estrada and Brother Keith Zamora led the games. They were fun and got kids moving. The games were boys versus girls and involved teamwork. 

Lastly, the Thanksgiving dinner was amazing! Sister Kim Vasquez and staff prepared a delicious meal. Each child got a serving of turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, dinner roll, and dessert. Perhaps the best part was seeing some of our bus families partaking of the dinner with their children. We are so grateful to everyone that was able to help bring this event together, all the hands involved from group leaders, teachers, cooks, and beyond! 

We are truly thankful for the work that God is doing in our Bus and Sunday School ministry!

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