Brazil: Raul Alvear Jr.
Brother Raul Alvear Jr. was born August 18th, 1974 in São José do Rio Pardo in São Paulo, Brazil. He is the son of missionaries Raul and Janice Alvear. Sister Janice Alvear came to Brazil in 1968 when she was 18 years old. Brother Alvear’s father is from Chile. Elder Alvear’s parents became missionaries to Brazil after receiving the revelation of the Oneness through the ministry of American missionaries when he was 12 years old.
Brother Raul Alvear Jr. received the Holy Ghost when he was four years old. He was baptized in Jesus name when he was five. At the age of eight, Brother Raul Alvear Jr. felt the call on his life to preach the Word of God. When he was 14, Brother Alvear told his parents that God wanted him to pastor in Campinas. He went back to an old house his parents had previously used for a bible school and started the Work of God. He began with just a small bible school and three faithful members, now there is a beautiful church built beside the old house.
On April 26th, 2003 Brother Alvear Jr. married his wife Michele. Two years later Julia was born March 2nd, 2005. In the midst of all the work that needs to be done in Brazil, the Alvear’s have raised a wonderful daughter. It’s been over 20 years that Brother Alvear has been the pastor in Campinas. He has 15 daughter-works.
A few years ago Brazil was split into 8 districts, and Brother Alvear was appointed to be overseer of the southern district which contains about 200 churches. In total Brazil has around 300 works, 400 ministers, and 10,000 members. There are established works in 11 of the 26 states and preaching points and contacts in four other states. Brother Alvear continues passionately in the faith because he believes in the cause of Christ. His vision for Brazil is great but God is God of the impossible.
Brazil: Raul Alvear Sr.
Bishop Raul and Janice Alvear are lifelong missionaries in Brazil. Bishop Alvear came at a young age to Brazil from Chile with his family to work in missions and Sister Alvear came to Brazil in 1968. Both worked as single missionaries and then at a conference in June 1972 they met in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. After a short courtship they were married in December of the same year.
Mission work has been their whole life. From a humble beginning under a tree in a pagan village the work today boasts of several hundred churches, scores of house meetings, radio programs, prison ministries, children’s outreaches, etc. The work includes hundreds of national pastors and several national missionaries with a small extension into the country of Paraguay.
Bishop Alvear just ordained their oldest son as bishop over the entire work while they will travel strengthening the work as long as health and funds permit. The work also includes a Bible school called EBA with many students from different areas studying the precious word of God. The work has extended into 15 of the 23 states of Brazil and contacts in several of the other states. The work also has a large campground in southern Brazil and one in the far north. Although neither is completely finished they will serve future generations.
The Alvear´s oldest adopted son is a native missionary to the Amazon jungle. The work has grown and right now there is great emphasis put on evangelism and church planting. They say, “It has been a privilege, not a sacrifice to live our life on a mission field. There can be no deeper joy than that of saving souls!”
Brazil: Ryan Thompson
Brother Ryan Thompson was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana in a Pentecostal home. Bro. Thompson went to Brazil when his father, an Apostolic pastor, was invited to preach a conference there in 1996. He was eighteen years old. It was that year that he was called to preach. He worked under the leadership of Brother Raul Alvear Jr., helping in many areas while in South Brazil with Bro. Alvear. He worked with the youth and helped take care of a church.
Bro. Thompson met and married Sis. Meide, a wonderful young lady who is a native Brazilian. They were married on the 23rd of August 1998. Shortly after their marriage they felt the confirmation of the Lord and with the blessings of Brother Alvear Sr., went to the northern city of Arapiraca. They arrived there in January 1999 and assumed a small work with seven members. That same year they built their first daughter work and began to reach out to other interior cities. Ten years later they have a total of ten works including preaching points. Currently, their headquarters church runs about 120 and altogether they have about 400 people. They have seen hundreds of people baptized in North Brazil and have seen miracles, signs and wonders.
The Lord blessed the Thompsons with a little boy, Logan Lee Thompson on November 18, 2003. Another blessing, a daughter, Nathalee Lorena Thompson was born December 27, 2008. Brother Thompson had long had a dream to build a Bible School and training center, and in May, 2006, they were able to purchase over 12 acres of land for this purpose. They are in the process of working on this project even now. His vision is to reach areas in Northeast Brazil that are untouched with the wonderful gospel message that we know. Pray for the Thompson family and for the work of God in Northeast Brazil.
Chile: Shane Hayes
Shane and Dena Hayes accepted an AIM assignment to San Andres, Colombia, in 2003. In 2004 they received intermediate missionary appointment and returned to San Andres to continue their work of establishing a self-supporting church and raising up leaders. After accomplishing this, they began to feel the Lord directing them to Chile. They were able to move to Chile in January 2010, settling in the city of Concepcion. It was here that they lived through the epicenter of the 2010 8.8 earthquake. Brother and Sister Hayes coordinated with Compassion Services International for the relief and rebuilding efforts. Brother Hayes is currently the youth supervisor for Chile as well as pastor of the church in Chillan. He preaches evangelist crusades throughout the country. Sister Hayes is involved in Ladies Ministries and is a gifted teacher. When they return to the field, they plan to move to the capital city, Santiago, and oversee the Bible school.
Ethiopia: Soloman Lodamo
Germany: Joseph Conroy
Brother Joseph Conroy was born and raised in an Irish Catholic Family in Chicago,Illinois. As a teenager he moved to California with his family to the city of Fresno. A visit from an elderly Jehovahs Witness woman led him to pick up a Bible and begin to read it for the very first time. The Apostles Doctrine and Experience that he read about stirred him deeply. But “did anyone still HAVE that today?” he wondered. As the next few years went by Brother Conroys hunger for the True Experience of Pentecost grew and intensified until finally in March of 1972 God sent a young man to invite him to a Pentecostal Service at Truth Tabernacle then pastored by Brother Murray Layne and pastored today by Brother Vaughn Morton. From the very first service Brother Conroy knew “THIS IS THAT!” It was only a matter of a few services until Brother Conroy experienced his own Pentecost.
Over the next few years Brother Conroy dug deep into the Word of God with the input of many great Bible Teachers of the times. His ministry began with puppet shows, Teaching the Beginners Sunday School Class, then graduated to Search for Truth Home Bible Studies. Early in the 1980’s Brother Conroy received his calling to go to the Middle East as a missionary. In 1987 he went to the land of Syria where he was met with wonderful and immediate success. The work that began in Aleppo, Syria grew as Brother Conroy and others from his first work in Syria evangelized from Istanbul, Turkey to Amman. Jordan. Today over twenty years later the fruit of Brother Conroys ministry is spread around the globe. Souls that have come to New Testament Salvation from this missionary outreach today are in many nations including Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Zimbabwe, The Netherlands, Malta, Denmark, Sweden, Canada , The United States and now Germany where for the last several years Brother Conroy has been labouring to establish a solid Jesus Name Apostolic Outreach for men women and young people of ALL nationalities. At the church in Augsburg he currently has represented in his fledgling congregation men and women from such diverse ethnic backgrounds as Portugal, Germany, Aramiac people, Puerto Rico, America as well as several African tribes represented including Yoruba, Ibo and Edu.
His vision is to establish a network of Apostolic Churches in Europe that can stand free from politics and intrigue and rather proclaim the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ so freely revealed in Act’s 2:38. Hopefully some day the Apostolic Message will be preached as widely in Europe as it has been in North America for the last one hundred years! Brother Conroy is doing his best to help make that a reality.
Honduras: Brent Schreckhise
In 1976, Brent Schreckhise first stepped foot on Honduran soil. His parents, Dan and Judy Schreckhise, arrived in the capital city, Tegucigalpa, to pioneer the United Pentecostal Church International in Honduras.
Having grown up in the country of Honduras, Brent is fluent in the Spanish language, and has come to understand the Honduran culture and mindset.
After he married, he and his wife, Jennifer, were privileged to pastor in Yuma, Arizona for 6 years. It was from there, that God called another missionary family to foreign soils. As a family, they have served in Honduras since 2002.
Their six children, comfortable among the Hondurans, have learned their language, and are finding ways to be involved in the work of God. Jennifer Schreckhise has done well, learning the Spanish language, and is helpful with Sunday School seminars and Ladies ministries. Allana, has developed her instrumental talents and is a blessing in each church service. The other children, Nathaniel, Sarah, Josiah, Lydia, and Charity add their various flavors to their missionary team. Also, a young lady, Francis, from their church moved into their home and has become a major part of the family.
Brent Schreckhise personally pioneered and pastors two churches, one in La Ceiba, and the other in Tocoa. Over the past few years, God has added to His work.
Churches have been started in La Ceiba, Tocoa, Progreso, Olanchito, Agricultor, andJuticalpa. In addition, several preaching points have opened up in San Miguelito, Callejones, Saba, Mangual, Culilque, and Lirios.
Missions is the heartbeat of God, and the Schreckhise family is excited about being involved with the Pentecostals of Honduras in “the place where good things are happening”.
Honduras: Marc Schreckhise
Marc Schreckhise was born in Honduras in 1977 to Dan and Judy Schreckhise and raised there as a missionaries son. It was at an early age that God began to put a love for this country in his heart. As he grew up watching his Father work tirelessly for the Lord in this mission field, something in him began to grow. Looking back, it was easy to see that God was growing a burden in his heart for the country of his birth.
On December 20th 2003, Marc was married to his wonderful wife Lori. Lori was born into a home missionary family that has a love for the work of God. It was at an early age before they met that God began to deal with Lori about the mission field. God spoke to her and told her she would be involved with reaching many countries in Central America . How God works!
It was recently that God began to deal with both Marc and Lori about returning to Honduras as missionaries. One night while going over his childhood pictures of Honduras , God began to stir that calling in their hearts. Late that night as they were praying for direction, God began to direct them to Honduras . An overwhelming peace settled over them as they began to weep in the presence of the Lord. There was no doubt! They were headed Honduras .
Marc and Lori are now on location in Siguatepeque, Honduras and is also working in Guatemala. Pray that God will bless the efforts of this Honduran born native who has finally answered the call to “come home.”
India: P. George
Mexico: Mike Voan
Bro. and Sis. Voan began a work in Uriangato, Mexico in February of 2013. Through their efforts and the blessings of God, they have already seen and experienced many wonderful things! Their mission is to do their part in bringing the gospel to all the world by establishing works all across the country of Mexico.
Peru: Robert Nix
(Apostolic LAMP) was formed in 2009 as a furthering of the long-standing missions efforts of Robert & Sue Nix, veteran missionaries to Peru and Costa Rica and church pioneers in Arizona, Oregon, and Texas, USA.
The roots of Apostolic LAMP, however, go back 45 years, when, in August of 1966, Robert & Sue Nix first began their missionary labors for the nation of Peru. There were three established Oneness Apostolic churches in the nation at that time. Robert Nix assumed leadership of the work in 1968, and the Nixes, along with the Dale Brown family – who arrived in Peru in the month of June of 1969 – began earnestly developing the coastal and mountain areas of Peru, while also traveling to assist missionaries in the Amazon jungle areas.
In the month of June of 1969, Seminario Pentecostal Unida (Now Seminario Bíblico Internacional– International Bible Seminary (College) – was founded in Lima; it has prepared hundreds of ministers and workers who serve all over Peru and other nations, as well.
In April of 1970, they founded a congregation in the Bible School building in Plaza Italia (right), located in downtown Lima, Peru, just six blocks from the Government Palace. God granted explosive growth and revival; they grew from less than twenty in the first service (counting the two missionary families) to well over 300 in six months’ time. That Bible School congregation, still in existence today, is pastored once again by Missionary Nix. It has been responsible, over the last four decades, for sending out well over 100 ministers and planting some 50+ churches across Peru.
1983-1998 marked a 13-year hiatus from Peru, in which time the Nixes served in Costa Rica for two years (while Robert Nix continued to lead the work in Peru) and then planted two congregations in the United States. Finally, in 1998, they renewed their missionary endeavors in Peru – overjoyed to once again be laboring for the land they love.
In 2001, God opened doors and provided the funds for the purchase of an old cinema in an excellent area of the city. The Bible School and congregation moved there from the cramped facilities they had rented for almost 31 years, and again God has granted great growth and revival.
Today, Apostolic LAMP is working in fellowship with the Iglesia Cristiana Apostólica Pentecostal (ICAP, or Christian Apostolic Pentecostal Church), expanding into under-churched and unchurched areas of the country. The Bible School continues to service students from ICAP and other Oneness Apostolic church organizations and groups (including the United Pentecostal Church of Peru), and has satellite campuses in six different areas of Peru. They are looking at ways to respond to calls for expansion into other Latin American nations, as well.
The Nixes always counted it the greatest privilege in the Kingdom to be working as missionaries in Peru…
On July 15, 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri, God saw fit to take Sister Nix to be with Him after a six-week (from time of diagnosis) battle with leukemia. She is sorely missed, and her grieving husband greatly desires and needs your prayers.
However, Brother Robert Nix has felt neither release nor diminishing of God’s call on his life; therefore, on Saturday, September 29, he once again set foot on Peruvian soil, greeted by over 100 loving Peruvian people in the wee hours of the morning.
By God’s grace and with His strength, the work goes on…there is much to do.
Taiwan: Tom Bracken
Tom Bracken is a career missionary having served in Taiwan and China for over thirty years. He and his wife, Sandra, are fluent in the Mandarin Chinese and travel extensively throughout Asia ministering to Chinese people. They have four children, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren. He and his wife reside in Taiwan, Republic of China. Besides his education in Theology, Tom has an Associates in Arts and Science degree in Oceanography Technology and continues his life long love affair with the ocean.
Click to view Tommy: The Saving of a U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. website.