
Sunday School At ILC

2022 is already upon us!  2021 seems like a blur in retrospect but we are looking forward to the new possibilities and excitement the new year brings with it.

 Inland Lighthouse Church loves our children and we strive to provide them with the very best in the way of teaching each Sunday morning.  We have breakfast provided from 9:30am until 9:55am followed by exciting teaching in a variety of methods from puppets to skits to object lessons.  We play games, sing songs, give Sunday School dollars they can spend in the store and more!

More than anything however, we want to give these children the biblical teaching they need to get their lives started correctly!  To that end we are starting off the year with our Apostolic Foundational series where we cover the importance of the Word of God, the Plan of Salvation, One God, Holiness and more!  This is to make sure that our children understand what the Word of God says about these core, vital doctrinal subjects.

We have classes for everyone from 2 years old up to college and career for if you haven’t yet tried it out, come on over to our check-in area outside by the coffee shop and we will get you all taken care of!

Looking forward to an exciting year!

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