
PEAK 2021 Youth Conference

This year’s Peak conference will forever be remembered as one of the most life changing conferences. The magnitude of being surrounded by over 5,000 young people was not lost on our young people. This year, ILC Momentum had a group of 70+ young people attend the youth conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a record number to date. Each and every one of them with complete abandon worshipped God, not caring who might be looking. Not one young person walked away from Peak 2021 without having at least heard one thing from God. 

Each night was filled with activities for our young people, and laughter could be heard all around and they participated in wholesome fun. New acquaintances and even friendships were forged at Peak in fellowship at the Mabee Center, John’s Incredible Pizza, and at Golf Suites. While the fellowship was wonderful, it was the services that ILC Momentum will remember the most. 

Peak was kicked off Wednesday night with a powerful message preached by Bishop Holmes entitled, “We Will Not Sit Down.” Our young people met the challenge posed by Bro. Holmes, paving the way for the messages to come. Thursday Morning, Rev. Jeremy Wilbanks taught on the importance of the Word, and the depth at which it truly stretches; His word is meant to be prayed, spoken, and spread. Thursday evening, Rev. Cornelius Williams preached, “The Finisher”, in which he urged those who feel the pull of two kingdoms to choose life and not heartache which inevitably comes with choosing the world. His testimony left the entire arena in tears and deep prayer. More than one heart was turned toward God that night. Friday Morning, we heard from our very own Pastor who preached, “The Son in the Shadows.” The tears streaming down our young peoples faces as they felt the call to step out, leave fear behind, and serve God in whatever He may have them do was a sight no one could forget. We thank God for our pastor! Rev. Nathaniel Urshan closed out Peak 2021 with a message to all the God-Lovers. Oh, Theophilus, stand strong in this perverse generation – the hour is dark, but His light still shines brighter. He urged the entire stadium packed full of young people to find a prayer room, a fresh concentration, and an even stronger resolve in these last days to withstand the wiles of the devil. Each sermon flowed into the next one, laying the foundation for what was to come, ending with a call to bring it all home.

We know that our young people’s lives were forever changed and are expecting the fruits of this to be seen in the great revival that’s coming here at home at Inland Lighthouse Church, and on into the Inland Empire.

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