Men’s Day | October 8, 2022
Southern California Commission Men’s Day last weekend was an incredible event! Men from all over California gathered together in a great time of fellowship and most of all worship and preaching. Worship service was led by pastor Joshua Winkler from Surprise, AZ and after a great time of singing and praise the service was turned over to pastor Sam Howard from Ventura CA. If you were one of those blessed to attend you know something special began to happen as a powerful move of God came in to the sanctuary as he preached “When Men Pray”.
Following his message men began flocking to the altar and a time of prayer broke out out to the point that the scheduled second minister, Bishop Leon Frost, did not preach. Men were convicted, priorities rearranged and lives changed.
Following the service all of the men went over to the fellowship hall where a great meal was prepared by the saints of Inland Lighthouse. There were incredible plates of Mexican food enjoyed by all along with the camaraderie and fellowship of Apostolic brethren.
It absolutely was a wonderful time in the Holy Ghost and we can’t wait until next year!