
Junior Camp Recap| June 17-21, 2024

Junior camp this year at Camp MorningStar was one of the most incredible camps we’ve ever had! We hosted 130 kids up in the mountains, all enjoying our detective theme, “Search for Truth.” The camp was filled with fun and engaging activities, including painted rocks hidden around the camp each day, hidden treasure bars with clues leading to them throughout the week, decorated cabins, costumed counselors, a beautifully adorned main sanctuary, camp-long skits, and much more. The kids enjoyed huge inflatables, basketball, volleyball, scavenger hunts, horseback riding, and an array of other activities!

The highlight, without question, was the services. Bro Gabe Baker from Chehalis, Washington, delivered an outstanding series of messages, and God came down! Almost every child who needed the Holy Ghost received it, and those with a desire to be renewed absolutely were. The deep moves of the Holy Ghost were especially powerful on Tuesday and Thursday nights, with children praying earnestly for over two hours. These kids weren’t trying to impress anyone or faking it—they were genuinely and deeply touching God. Many of our staff said that the Tuesday night service was one of, if not the most powerful they had ever been in!

We are incredibly grateful for what God did at camp and for everyone who helped make it so wonderful. We’re already looking forward to Junior Camp 2025. Make plans to join us, whether as staff or a camper!

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