July 4th at ILC
The 4th of July is always an exciting time in our nation and especially at Inland Lighthouse Church!
Sunday morning started off as it generally does with Sunday School for all ages although on this particular day, we did a rotating breakout style of classes where we had an object lesson area, a game area, song area and a skit area. The kids moved between the sessions until they had attended all of them. It was different than normal but an exciting change of pace where we learned all about the freedom that we have in our nation and the freedom that we have in Jesus!
Following that we had our worship service and then everyone went home for a couple of hours but around 5 PM or so everyone started gathering back together. On the the big grassy area beside the church there was a big tent set up with tables, chairs and a sound system and we had several hours of eating and fellowship before it got dark.
Once the light began to dissipate, things got much more exciting. We had an area in the grass where everyone could set off their legal fireworks while all around us it seemed as if the world was exploding. All of Rialto it seemed, had purchased every form of pyrotechnics manufactured and intended on shooting them all off in a 2-hour span. It was truly unbelievable.
Those that attended can attest it was a fun time we hope to see you all next year!