
Family & Friends Day | January 30, 2022

Family day at Inland Lighthouse Church is always a great time in this last Sunday, January 30, was no exception! It was the 1st family day of 2022 and we had an awesome service full of worship, anointing and of the Holy Ghost which was capped off by the powerful preaching of Pastor Paul Elder! After lives were touched, people were filled with the Holy Ghost and the altar call began to slow down, things began to migrate down to the Fellowship Hall area.

There was great food that was served quickly and efficiently to the hundreds of people in attendance and after this was enjoyed the activities and games began. There was basketball, volleyball, a checkered tournament and of course the chili cookoff. More than all of this however was the time of fellowship and comradery that followed were people got to know each other perhaps for the first time or much better than before. And this is what family day is all about!

We want to thank all of the members of ILC who made this great event happen and for leadership that appreciates that it is times like these were bonds are formed and strengthened between the members of the church. We already cannot wait until next time!

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