
Children’s Ministry at ILC | August 11, 2024

This past Sunday, our Sunday School classes had a great time teaching about choices and their consequences. We talking about the idea that good decisions often lead to positive outcomes, while poor choices can have unfavorable results. To illustrate this concept, we turned to biblical stories involving Naaman, Elisha, and Gehazi.

Naaman, who listened to Elijah’s advice, experienced healing from leprosy. His wise choices paid off. On the other hand, Gehazi’s greed led him down a different path. His poor decisions resulted in the same leprosy that Naaman had been cured of.

It was neat to see how our teachers creatively taught this message to students of all ages, from toddlers to 11-year-olds. After class, the bus ministry celebrated with a pizza party and cake.  Great Sunday all around!

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