
Building Dedication for San Bernardino Daughterwork | Jan 13, 2024

On January 13th and 14th,  Inland Lighthouse Church of San Bernardino celebrated a significant milestone with the dedication of its church building. This event was a culmination of prayer, hard work, faith, and support from the Inland Lighthouse Church family,

ILC SB had a unique journey to its dedicated space, sharing the building with Bro. Phillip Booker (BoxDrop Mattress) during its initial year. This shared space became an example of what can come to pass when men of God work together to follow a God-given vision. The collaborative effort between the ILC SB and Bro. Phillip embodies the spirit of support that is essential in building strong churches. ILC SB was able to hit the ground running thanks to support from the saints of Inland Lighthouse Church. 

The days leading up to the dedication services were filled with work, work, and more work. Saints of ILC SB, aloOnng with many saints from Rialto, spent their days tearing down walls, vacuuming, building up walls, vacuuming, running electrical, setting up sound, painting, decorating, and (you guessed it) vacuuming. Through it all, there was always excitement and a sense of awe at what God was doing. The church prayed over every beam. Scriptures on doctrine were written on every stud. ILC SB has been built on the Word of God. 

During the service on Saturday, Rev. Samuel Howard delivered an inspiring message emphasizing the importance of faith and perseverance. Two individuals from the local congregation were blessed to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost! Service was followed by a time of fellowship, with a wonderful lunch provided by Bro Jacob Martin & Co. 

Sunday’s service was the cherry on top. Pastor. Joel Booker preached a message titled “Tell Them About the Dream.”  ILC SB was challenged to go out among the community and tell them about the gospel of Jesus Christ; That there is no other name in heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. To teach them about the Holy Ghost and baptism in Jesus name!

The dedication service not only marked the physical consecration of a new building but also symbolized that ILC SB is no longer a church plant, but a church planted. Inland Lighthouse Church of San Bernardino is firmly established. We are excited about what God has in store for the city of San Bernardino. We are thankful to the saints of ILC Rialto and the Daughter Works for your love, prayers, encouragement, and support. 

God Bless You,

The Dillons

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