Bible Quizzing Recap for 2022
The ILC Bible quiz program for 2022 is officially over. We had our largest group of quizzers ever that went to the national tournament in Houston, Texas, and the tournament itself was the largest Nationals of the WPF with 74 teams. We ended up sending six teams, two experienced, two intermediate,one junior and one beginner team.
All of our teams and all of our quizzers did very, very well. Several quizzers won personal medals and although none of our teams placed, we were able to make excellent memories and a lot of new friends. We came back inspired to do even better next year.
Everyone that has been involved with Bible quizzing this year, as a quizzer or a coach or a parent has been affected positively by the wisdom that we learned from the book of Proverbs. This is the reason we do Bible quizzing, to put the word of God in the hearts of our young people.
We want to say thank you to everyone in Inland Lighthouse Church that has supported Bible quizzing this year, either by coming to a tournament and watching or supporting us through our fundraisers or special offerings. We couldn’t do it without you and it’s through you that our program keeps growing and becoming better every year.
We would like to give special thanks to our pastor who has supported this ministry through the years and believes in its importance in the lives of our young people. Everyone that has participated in Bible quizzing this year has been touched and even changed by this experience. We look forward to seeing what God is going to do through Bible quizzing next year as we study the final epistles of Paul.