
July 26-30 | VBS!

Kingdom Rock VBS – 4 days – VBS theme “Stand Strong”

DSC_8113-XLWednesday- Friday we traveled through the kingdom learning about various ways to “stand strong” for Jesus.
Wednesday they learned that God’s love and family and friends help us to stand strong. In Epic Bible Adventures they met Queen Esther and learned of her plight.
On Thursday they learned that Prayer Helps us to Stand Strong and they learned how Nehemiah persevered to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.
On Friday they learned that Trusting God and the Bible helps us stand strong. We learned about King Josiah and he followed God’s way at a young age.
In the Destination Station the kids learned about the recent EBV (VBS) in Ensenada, Mexico. The kids at VBS raise over $200 to send to the Sunday School department in Ensenada. This was a contest between the girls and boys and boys won, raising over $100. On Saturday we had a KidZ church where Bro. Brennan preached about getting rid of distractions and focusing on Jesus. The altars were full of hungry kids seeking the Holy Ghost and Bro. Tyler Arnett received the gift of the Holy Ghost that afternoon in KidZ church! We ended the week with awesome VBS water fight. A BIG thank you to every volunteer and individual to donated both time and money. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without all the help that was received.
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